…don’t leave me at the mercy of the ungodly!
A voice from the future is a voice of opportunity. It points you to things you can do today to make tomorrow better.
Here is a letter from the womb for you:
Dear Christian,
Greetings from the future. I am a Baby in the womb. I am just two month old in my mother’s womb. I am fully alive and growing. I will be in the world in the next seven months.
It means I will be 15 years old in 2036 and possibly be in my first year in the University. It is in the light of this understanding and the reality ahead of me that I write to you today.
As a child in the womb I hear the conversation of my Mummy and the news that is going on about the different transitions in the world. My mummy was in a meeting where a discussion was going on about many happenings in the world today, especially the rise of digital technology.
I learnt there used to be something like Post Office but it is no more. I learn also that there used to be 2G, 3G, 4G and that 5G is coming. Fuel cars are giving way to electric cars and autonomous cars are already in the world. I learned that desktop computers are going.
It seem I also heard that classrooms are on their way out. Text books will soon be out of the way. Artificial intelligence and several other changes are happening almost at a speed of light.
What surprised me most was the complaint I heard from Mummy and other Christians in the meeting about how the ungodly are the ones leading in these areas of digital technology. They complained about how Christians yesterday failed to get involved in learning digital skills and being part of the developments of internet of things.
I write to remind you about the mistake Christians of yesterday made about technology and it is now furthered by unbelievers. I write to remind you that complain will not change the advancement in technology. I write to tell you that only proactive action can change the story.
I also heard that there are several initiative empowering young people in digital skills. And that one of those platform is organizing a digital skill bookcamp soon; Keffi digital skill book camp.
Please take advantage of the Keffi Digital Skills BootCamp organized by Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES), Keffi Area to learn a skills or invest in empowering just one student so they can create things that will glorify God and make the world a better place for me and generations to come.
Yes! It may not be for your sake but do it for my sake and the generations yet unborn. Don’t leave us at the mercy of the ungodly at the helm of things, technology inclusive. Invest in raising godly and Christlike ambassadors for the digital space.
I am not a voice of the past. I am a voice from the future. I come in peace and to give you an opportunity to make a difference today and tomorrow.
May it be said of you that your generation; they did all that God enabled them to do to make the digital space a better place for humanity.
Invest in shaping my mentors and teachers to give me light when I come.
Yours truly
From the Womb
Thank you for reading. The aim of this writing is to help you see the need to invest in raising Christlike digital leaders today.
Hankuri Tawus Gaya
Area Director and Strategic Plan Officer
23rd May, 2021