Hankuri Tawus Gaya


… a call to make the most of the season

Whatever dominates your thinking at Christmas shapes the direction of your life and what you do. If all you think about at Christmas is what to wear, eat and drink then you are of all people most miserable.

What are you thinking about today? What is the dominant thought on your mind? What are you setting out to do today and throughout this season?

May I invite you this season to join me in thinking about the following critical issues as they relate to Jesus Christ the essence of Christmas


God’s love for humanity is what brought Jesus Christ to the world that has led to the celebration of Christmas. God loved the world and chose to become human through his son Jesus Christ and was born of a virgin. You would have celebrated Christmas if you think about God’s love for you and the whole of humanity.


God loved the world, but Jesus Christ becomes the expression of his Love to the world. He accepted to be human to redeem me and you from sin. He is the reason for Christmas. We are celebrating his birth. And any Christmas that does not make Jesus Christ the center of the celebration is not Christmas at all. So, think about Jesus Christ and what he did for your redemption and that of the world.


Jesus Christ came to the world so your life can have meaning. God created you for a purpose and Christ came to enable you discover who you are and what is it that you are uniquely created to do. So today think about the purpose of your life. Why are you in the world? Why are you a male or female? Why are you in the location in the world currently? Thinking about purpose at Christmas makes your life meaningful and productive.


Jesus Christ was born to save the lost. He came for the lost. He lived and died for the lost. We have so many lost souls in the world today without Jesus Christ. They are without the reason for Christmas. They are without the savior the world born that they may see light. So today think about lost souls around you and in areas and nations without access to the gospel. Make the most of Christmas by sharing the gospel with someone today!


A Christmas that does not help you become more like Jesus Christ is a waste of God’s trust of time, talent, and treasure in your care. He came so that we may become like him and make him known in the world.so, think and take steps in the direction that will help you grow in your walk with Jesus Christ and in helping others know Jesus Christ and become more like him. Think about discipleship. Think about Christlikeness.


Jesus Christ came to build a community of believers in the world who will worship him and make his name known in the world. He calls us light and salt of the earth, his ambassadors and family. So, this Christmas think and take steps in building the family of God- the Church. You are part of the Church. Be part of community of believers this season. Think about what to do to move the body of Christ forward this season as you celebrate.


Jesus Christ came to address the problem of sin in the world. He remains the solution to sin problem. He saved you to be a solution in the world to the problems sin has caused humanity. Think about being a solution to the community where you live and serve this Christmas. Be an answer to someone’s question. Be a solution to a growing challenge in a community. Be a solution to lack of clothes for that woman and her children. Be God’s voice of hope to that father and child. THINK about being a solution.


Missions is God’s heartbeat because it drives home the reason for Jesus’ coming to the world. Missions is about God’s mission – Jesus Christ in the world. One critical thing to think about this season is what God will have you for missions and for missionaries. You can pray for missions. You can give to missions. You can host a missionary couple or family. You can think of supporting a missionary with children’s schools fees for the new year. So, think about missions and missionaries this Christmas!

May it not be said of you that you celebrated Christmas and the season thoughtlessly.

Happy Christmas I am Hankuri Tawus Gaya. I am on mission to challenge just one soul to know Jesus Christ, become all that God has created them to become and make a difference in the world

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