Hankuri Tawus Gaya


… a new year greetings and reflections

Success in the year will not be determined by the prayers you prayed. The goals you set nor the place you attended your crossover night. But it will be determined by the steps you took and the principles you apply in turning them to reality.

Wow! It’s another January 1. That time of the year when friends and love ones send us a lot of messages and prayer wishes for the year. A time when we seat down to think about the year and move in with hope that it will be better than the year that just passed yesterday.

As someone dear to my heart and ministry I pray that you will become the best you that God created and meant to be this year. You will do the things he has marked for you to achieve this year. You will attend the height he has set for you this year in Jesus name.

But wait! Is that prayers enough? Do you believe it will come to pass? Reflecting over the messages and prayers I have received; prophetic declarations by leaders; predictions by trend analyst and the things I have seen year in year out at the beginning of every year. God dropped the following 10 points to share with you. I am a testimony of how walking and working with God this way has brought my dreams for the year to reality.

So, I share with you 10 things to do to turn your dream to reality  this year:

  1. SEEK TO KNOW GOD’S MIND:  The greatest thing you can achieve this year is what God has marked for you. It is God’s mind for your life. So, to ensure you achieve your goals for the year and make prayer points and prophetic declarations a reality is to ensure that they are God’s mind for you. And you get to know God’s mind by connecting with God’s Word. Don’t move with the crowd but move with the Word of God.
  • WRITE IT DOWN: Once you are clear about God’s mind for you then write it down. It is not enough to pray. It is not enough to have the thought of what you desire to become, achieve or acquire within the year. Take a further step of writing it down. Writing your goals down will help you clarify what God said to you and also provides you with a template for assessment at the end of the year. Godly people write down their goals and prayers.
  • GET INSIGHT THROUGH READING: without insight it will be futile to pursue a goal or see to the actualization of a prayer points or prophetic declarations. Now that you know or have written down what you desire to achieve in the year take a further step to get resources in that areas to get all the knowledge you need. Read the scriptures and relevant books and materials to get insight.
  • CONNECT WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE: The people you work with will either move you forward or limit you. Don’t expect to be a mission minded person if you have no contact with people involved in missions and don’t also expect to become a millionaire if you don’t have a millionaire in your circle of influence. That which you want to achieve has been achieved my someone. You need people. Connect with them.
  • BE PART OF A COMMUNITY: You community will have a lot of influence in the achievement of your goal. Your community could be your Church or Association. The people in your circle and the ones you interact with. To achieve great things, you need the right community. so, get connect with the right community from the beginning of the year.
  • GET A MENTOR: A mentor is someone who has walked the path you are called to walk and has gain some experience in that regard. You don’t need to make mistakes before you learn. God provided mentors to guide you in achieving your goals and making you dreams a reality. You can get more than one mentor depending on the goals you have for a year.
  • GET FINANCIALLY LITERATE: Money is critical in turning goals to reality. Know about the financial implication of each goal. To have a goal without knowing the financial implication is to have an incomplete goal. So, for each of your goals and prayers for the year get to know the financial implications by getting financially literate.
  • HELP OTHERS ACHIEVE THEIR OWN GOAL: One sure way to achieve your goals and make your prayers come through is by helping someone achieve their own. As you go out to serve others God will also raise others to serve and as a result help you achieve your goals and make your prayers a reality. So, decide to become someone else answer to their prayer point and a channel for making their goals a reality.
  • TAKE A STEP: One of the biggest mistakes we make as believers is to pray and fail to take a step waiting for God to do a miracle. Writing a goal is not enough. You need to take a step and move towards making your goals and prayer points a reality. I have discovered over the years that it is not the one with the best goals or the best prayer points that end the year rejoicing but the one who took steps even when things were not clear. Pray for a miracle. Ste big goals but be ready to step out.
  1. BE YOURSELF: One of the biggest ways to frustrate yourself this year is to seek to be the person that God has not created you to be. As you start taking steps from today seek to discover your uniqueness and work from the point of strength that God has given to you and be sure to turn your goals and prayers to reality this year.

This writing would have fulfilled its purpose if you will look back by 31st December, this year and say “God. thank you for helping me make the dream you put in my heart a reality.’

You are the answer the world is waiting for. You are the solution God has prepared for the year. But all will remain a dream if you don’t take a step to make it a reality.

The world is yet to see what God is set to do with your life as you step out in obedience to his word. He sure will be your Emmanuel- God with us.

I am Hankuri Tawus Gaya. I am on mission to challenge just one soul to know Jesus Christ, become all that God has created them to become and make a difference in the world

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